Documents that prove State Parks acted illegally.

The central, regulatory office of the National Park Service has not honored our Freedom of Information Request made in May of 2018 for a copy of the 2014 "policy" and associated emails that allowed the Kevin Daniels takeover of Saint Edward State Park. The policy was found in a cardboard box by one of our researchers. We are doing what government should be doing without help, in fact, with government obfuscation.

The two documents that prove the Kevin Daniels' lease is illegal are the "2014 Policy" which requires states to retain the right to cancel a lease of lands purchased with Land and Water Conservation Funds (see Page 3, Item 1) and the lease itself. The lease agreement released to the public does not retain the right of the State of Washington to terminate the lease. Mr. Young of the Attorney General's Office is in charge of protecting State Parks from such snafus, guess he forgot to look at the contractual documents. Instead he relied on others say so.

If you would like the 2014 Policy and the lease presented to the public January 9 of 2018, please request those at The State Parks Director can make "minor" changes to the lease without the consent of the State Parks Commission. 

The State Parks Administration is yet calling the Daniels project a "Lodge," so information to the public is yet misleading: Apparently the word "convention center" with minimum of 70,000 convention goers per year did not resonate when Daniels first announced his numbers in May 2018, shortly before signing the lease. Apparently it is okay with the State that Daniels not compensate the public with land of equal value.

You can also request the State and Federal contractual documents that govern Saint Edward State Park with a synopsis of their importance at All and each of the documents conclusively prove that the Daniels' lease is illegal without providing land of equal value, and the 2014 Policy and the lease prove the lease is illegal whatever land is provided. 

Pass it on. 
